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Pain gone, back to normal

I came to Barbora hours after coming out of hospital with severe pain in my face, chest and ear.

I could barely walk by myself due to the pain and weakest. I did not even think I could do a session due to the pain when moving my face.
I was diagnosed in hospital with a chest, ear and sinus infection. I would say I was 9 out of 10 in terms of pain

After a two-hour session with Barbora the pain reduced from 9 to 2 . I was able to put on light I was able to walk and return to doing things around the house.

I was back to normal able to look after my family after these 2 hours and this meant the world to me, as I was in bed for 5 days prior.

The RTT session was so powerful and I have transformed my life by upgrading my old beliefs. 24-hours the pain was totally gone.

Rebecca Evison


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